We Need Stinkin' Badges!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

I have been DESPERATE for a button/badge making machine for the past couple months! I have been saving my pennies, hoping to make the big purchase on eBay, but I just couldn't bring myself to spend the $100 plus. But over the weekend, I went to an art supply sale in Oakland...and guess what? NOT only did they have a button making machine, they had THREE!!! So I bought all 3 of them. I got all 3 for less than $50, along with 4 HUGE bags of button making supplies! The guy obviously didn't know what he was doing, selling all that for so cheap. I bought all 3 of them because they were all different, and because I figured I could sell the ones I didn't like as well on eBay and make my money back, plus some! So all day today, I have been going button-making crazy. Haaa cha! I know, I get excited about silly things.


Wooden Sushi Board

Here's a wooden sushi board that Adrienne made in her woodshop class at school. Very cute! She says the teacher gave her a B because she burned the ends a bit when she was using the sander. But we give her an A+ because the burned ends just give it patina and character, something the woodshop teacher doesn't seem to get!


My First Try at Silkscreening

Monday, March 19, 2007

I have been dying to try silkscreening, so I bought a little kit from a teenage boy on Craigs List a couple weeks ago. I think I picked too intricate a design to start with--but I was still pretty pleased with the result.


Pillows on Etsy

Monday, March 12, 2007

I'm trying to sell a few things on Etsy. It's only been a couple of days, but I have my doubts. It seems like everyone and their brother and their pet goldfish are all listing things, but I just wonder if anybody is BUYING on Etsy. Time will tell if anyone buys my stuff. Here are some pillows I made. My Etsy store is loveinanenvelope.etsy.com. The store name is because I'm also selling cards.


Shirt Design for a Band

Wow, I thought I would be blogging a lot more than this! I hadn't made anything for a while, but now I'm on a roll! Here's a t-shirt I designed for my boss' son's band. It came out pretty well, I think. The band is called A La Mode--see 3 dripping ice cream cones under the curve of the guitar? Heh heh, get it? Ice cream? A la mode?


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